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LIVE AT THE VILLAGE STUDIOS Renaissance Heart & Opium Moon Apr 1, 2023. 6:30 P.M.
In General Discussion
What are the best contests to enter for song writing and performing?
In General Discussion
New to the group.
In General Discussion
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Dec 10, 2022
You are more than welcome to the group, Mak! Hvala!
2 Radically Different Mic Techniques on This Piano
In Recording and Tech
2 Radically Different Mic Techniques on This Piano
In Recording and Tech
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Aug 31, 2021
I’d like to hear what that sounds like once you mix it
Giving yourself the best opportunity for a great vocal
In Recording and Tech
Piano Miking
In Recording and Tech
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Feb 12, 2021
I’ll email you in a minute or two
Piano Miking
In Recording and Tech
Piano Miking
In Recording and Tech
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Feb 12, 2021
I can't wait to play White Horse again!
Piano Miking
In Recording and Tech
Impedance Matching Your Microphone Pre-amp
In Recording and Tech
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Jan 12, 2021
I have never tried that. Can you describe the process?
From Pro Tools to ADAT
In Recording and Tech
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Dec 30, 2020
I started in the 1980s on tape. Back then I had a TEAC 4 and then 8 track tape deck. I had to sacrifice one track to write an FSK track that would allow my MIDI rig to be synched with the tape. I worked at Normandy Sound studio which had a big API console and 24-track tape. Back then there was no "seeing" anything. Edits had to be done either by punching in and redoing parts (which we still do today on computer), or by physically cutting the tape in order to remove a section. That was a real art form that I was never very good at. I've been using computer-based recording for about 20 years now. At the very beginning I used Cakewalk (MIDI only) in the early 90s. It morphed into SONAR when they added digital audio recording in the late 90s, I think. In 2007 I switched to Pro Tools, and never looked back. I used to do a lot of movie scores, and Pro Tools was the standard in that world, so it made sense to make the leap. Back then PT had terrible MIDI support. They had focused 100% on analog tracks - exactly the opposite of Cakewalk/Sonar, which were originally MIDI programs that were new to audio recording. But eventually they caught up. Today my home studio runs Pro Tools ultimate on a 2018 iMac, and my interface is a UAD Apollo-8p connected via Thunderbolt. But as a UAD user I am keeping my eye on LUNA, a DAW from UAD that's free for their hardware (runs only on Mac). It's new so it's not fully evolved yet, but it's worth keeping track of. I check it out every once in a while. Interestingly they copied most of the Pro Tools short cut keys to make transitioning easy. Eventually it will rival Pro Tools and it won't cost $70/month. In some ways it already outshines Pro Tools, because of their tight integration with their hardware. Apple showed us long ago that if you make both the hardware and the software you can do things that other people can't. That's true. Today all of these DAWs are all about sounding as much like the "old" analog gear as possible. They are getting closer and closer. I can't imagine not being able to see what I am doing. I like the sound of analog tape but I prefer working digitally. When I made DUST BOWL we recorded on analog tape but then transferred to Pro Tools for editing/mixing. On the record I just finished we did everything digitally using class A pre-amps and good condensors. I can't hear the difference any more. A few years ago the difference was much greater.
Playing To The Room - No Matter What
In Performing
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Dec 30, 2020
And even if it’s zero! Like online shows and TV shows.
In Performing
In Performing
Grant Maloy Smith
Official Member
Official Member
Dec 08, 2020
Absolutely. It’s show biz!!

Grant Maloy Smith


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