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Upcoming Showcases

Showcases are not curated - all registered Indie Collaborative members can apply to perform. Each performer gets a maximum of five minutes to present their music in a stripped-down setting. If there are more applicants than performance slots we do a lottery to pick the performers.

Learn how Showcases work

Upcoming Productions

Productions are curated and produced by the Indie Collaborative. As such there is no application form for these. Each production is unique, and we look through our membership to see who might be best suited to fill the performance slots for that particular production. Learn how Productions work.

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December 2025

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For each event we publish a beautiful program that is given to everyone who comes into the theater. The programs are also hosted on this site, available to the world. Your ad will live on for years. You can place a full or half-page ad in these programs and promote your latest works!

How Showcase Events Work

Tickets to Attend or Perform
Every person needs a ticket, including performers, accompanists, managers, spouses, friends, etc. We don’t have any comp tickets available except for members of the press that we invite.

Performance Slots
Due to the fast-paced nature of Indie Collab showcases, only solo, duo or trio acts are allowed. Setups must be accomplished within your entire 5 minute time slot, which means that bands are out of the question - we simply don’t have enough time for that. Backing tracks and video/multimedia are also not possible. The idea is to show your peers in an intimate and supportive setting what you are all about, and what you can do by yourself. Note - certain types of artists and industry professionals don’t (or can’t) perform alone or with only an accompanist or two. In those cases you can use your time slot to talk to the room and tell them what you do. This might apply to lyricists, for example, or music publishers, or orchestrators, etc. You can use your 5 minutes however you like, within the constraints mentioned above.

Exceptions to the above can be made at the discretion of the IC. Certain venues and even structures may allow us to have one or two bands performing, because the setup time can be done without interfering with the fast-paced nature of our events. These slots are available by invitation only and are extremely limited due to the nature of our events.

Five Minutes Is Really The Limit
No matter how many times we say it, performers have 5 TOTAL minutes to do their thing. We allot 8 total minutes for each act, because it takes a minute or so to come onto the stage, plug in, say a few words, etc. It also takes a minute or so to unplug, say thank you, and then exit the stage. But the PERFORMANCE time is 5 minutes. Please practice your presentation with a stop watch or timer, so that you can get your whole presentation in within this time. This is not a concert… it’s a short showcase of what you can do, for a room full of your peers.

Ticket Cancellation / Refund Policy

Tickets are non-refundable except in extreme cases, such as natural disasters that prevent the event from occurring, or which prevent travel to the event.



How Production Events Work


Produced shows are held at a prestige venues like Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and more. Performance positions are by invitation only. We offer performance slots to those IC members whom we have experienced at our showcases, and who have demonstrated musical and performance excellence. The Indie Collaborative has far more qualified members than we could ever include in the shows that we do, so please don't feel bad if you have not yet been invited. Please let us know if you are interested in being considered by using the chat function on this website.

Showcase Basics
Glass Buildings
Event #
Event Type
Event Link

Our Events

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