Members of the Indie Collaborative can create a login on this website, and then access the members-only pages. These include direct member to member contact capabilities as well as access to our discussion forums.
If you're a member of the IC, please log in using the control at the top right of any page. If you are not yet a member, please join us. It's free to be a member! To join, just fill out the form on the join page. It's not instantaneous, however, because one of us looks at each form and then approves it manually.
Members-only content includes a music forum, featuring content and exchanges among your fellow artists. You can also download our logos for using on your website, albums, etc. And you can see the members-only profiles of your peers, and interact with them privately, as well as setting up your own members-only profile. A group of musicians from all over the world - Every genre of music - Connecting musicians.
1. Click the LOGIN button near the top right of any page on the site. It looks like this:

2. Click Sign Up on the next screen:

3. Choose how you want to log in, in the future. You can log in with Facebook, Google (if you have a gmail account you have a Google account), or by entering your email and choosing your own password. It’s totally up to you. If you ever forget your password you can have it reset yourself. It's very modern and professional.

4. Once you have made your selection and logged in, I will get a notice and have to approve you, which of course I will do ASAP either from my phone or computer. So don't expect approval to be instantaneous - please wait for me to see your request and approve you. I might be mowing the grass or in the shower or sleeping - it could take 5 minutes or it might take 12 hours. But I will approve you. Please don't get impatient and create five more logins that I will have to delete. Create just one and then wait for approval.
5. Once approved, you will get a message from the system and then you can click the same log in button as in step 1, except this time you will actually use your selected method to log in (don't sign up again!).
6. After you log in you’ll be able to create your members-only profile and access the members only pages.