Tommy Womack
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Songwriter; Vocalist; Writer
American Roots;Rock;Spoken Word
Bass, Electric;Guitar, Acoustic;Guitar, Steel / Dobro;Harp
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Tommy Womack

A two-time winner of "Best Song" in the Nashville Scene Critics Poll, Tommy Womack has been performing for 35 years, an alumni of the popular rock bands Government Cheese and the bis-quits, and has had three albums with Will Kimbrough in the band Daddy. He's written three books, including the cult-classic "Cheese Chronicles" which Rolling Stone called "the best street-level book about being in a rock band ever." He's released 7 solo records in the last 22 years, and is working on his 8th. Womack has had songs recorded by Jimmy Buffett, Dan Baird and Jason & the Scorchers, among others.

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