Ric Latina
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Ric Latina

The Nashville based duo of Ric Latina, Markey, and their touring band have a combined performing/touring history that reads like a “who’s who” in the entertainment industry. Ric is a powerhouse guitar player, who eats, sleeps and drinks tasty Blues riffs. The Markey Blue Ric Latina Project have receiving several top honors, including a spot in the National Blues Museum exhibit, “Women of the Blues: a Coast-to -Coast Collection,” a TV show in the works, and several songs picked up for TV placement and adding international dates to their touring schedule:
• 2019 Amazon Prime TV series Bosch picked up “Worries”
• 2019 ABC TV series Grey’s Anatomy picked up “Cash is always King”
They were also the 2019 Independent Blues Awards nominees Best Independent Blues New Artist CD and Best R&B Soul Song, "When I Close My Eyes.”

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