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Michael Peloso





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Arranger; Lyricist; Producer; Songwriter

Adult Contemporary;Country;Rock



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Michael Peloso


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Ask anyone you meet on the street and statistics say that at least half will tell you that music is a universal language. There are about 7,000 spoken dialects in the world, but the one that most people can understand is music. While a listener may not always grasp the language, people all share emotions when hearing chords and melodies. In fact, many foreign musicians say they learned to speak English via the lyrics to their favorite songs. It's fair to say then, music does indeed make the world go 'round.

For lyricist/songwriter Michael Peloso, the original center of his immediate world was Newark, New Jersey - the only son of Italian immigrants. His parents came to America in search of a better life for their children, and Michael believes they succeeded. He was a well-rounded child, and involved in both the arts and sports. His father had a wonderful voice, and loved to sing; music was always playing in the family home, in the car, on a record player. One of Michael's earliest memories is being down in my basement listening to AM radio all day long.


When Michael was eight years old, he heard a song that would change the way he listened to music forever, REO Speedwagon's "Keep on Loving You." He remembers running out immediately and buying their album, HI-FIDELITY, with his own money. He played that record until it turned to dust. He discovered the liner notes and studied them as if it was a school test.  Even as a boy, Michael felt at home surrounded by music and knew he had found his passion. He was in awe of the music and knew tha the wanted to write songs that touched people like that album touched him.

At the age of 14, Michael took a stab at writing his first song. He wouldn't play it for anyone today, but it helped him realize he had talent. Words were his strong suit. He worked on developing melodies over the years, and that helped him become an even better lyricist. But he knew he could write a song. He has a strong ear, and can get a feeling for what works and what doesnít fairly quickly.


Content to stay behind the scenes, Michael never wanted to be in a band, but did want his songs to be heard. Music is about touching as many lives as possible. If music can help someone forget about their problems and give them an escape, then it's doing what it's meant to do.

For him, there is no real process for songwriting. While his only rule is to never throw away something he wrote (because hey, who knows!), no two song writing sessions are the same. He will hear a melody in his head and the words begin to flow. At times, he's written a chorus first, or a bridge, and then the rest comes easily. At other times he's even walked away when it just wasn't working and gone back to it later. Some writes came easy where he has a song in one hour, while others took much longer.

One of the most important appraches for Michael is tapping in to life experiences. Life inspires him. Being a good listener also helps a lot in songwriting. Relationships, world events and just being alive inspires him as well. The fact that Michael even is alive isn't lost on him. Diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer after a tumor ruptured and went in to his liver, Michael is two years cancer free after emergency surgery and completing chemo. He also suffers from a form of epliepsy that was first diagnosed as panic attacks. Both are under control. He wrote the song "Shed my Skin," about his dealings with cancer and getting a new start on life. The song has been recorded by singer/songwriter Juliet Lyons, to be released in late 2021 as part of his first solo album. 

Cancer changed how he writes. He has a better understanding of how difficult illness is on both the patient and the people who love him.

A huge Tom Waits fan ("I Hope I Don't Fall in Love with You," is his favorite song of all time), Michael is continuing to advance in the industry he loves. He and singer/songwriter Natalie Jean co-wrote the track "Letting Go," which was on the Grammy ballot, enabling Michael to attend for the first time. Going to the Grammys was a moment he will never forget. He was really proud to be there.

Michael calls his publishing group "Four Simple Notes," because that's how he started his first song, with ëour simple notes. It's a tribute to the universe, allowing him to follow his muse while finding success as a songwriter. With several co-writes under his belt, as well as some hard-won accolades and awards, he has, in his own words, "knocked on doors and knocked them down if nobody answered."  

He writes because he loves it, and because he respects the craft, and has ever since he was a little boy with a turntable. When someone tells him that something he's written has inspired them, or touched them in some way, it thrills him. It's not about awards or people knowing who he is: it's about moving as many people as he can with his songs.

Michael Peloso

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