Max Sharam
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Actress; Animator; Artist; Comedian; Performer; Songwriter; Vocalist; Writer
Adult Contemporary; Country; Musical Theater; Pop; Visual Media
Guitar, Acoustic; Keyboards
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Max Sharam

Max Sharam is a multi award winning/nominated composer, singer, producer and interdisciplinary artist living in New York City. A pioneer, activist, risk taker and feminist, Max's focus is 'transcendence' — to rise up and inspire. Max is an 8-time ARIA nominee/winner and platinum selling artist. Her career success has covered live Stand-up comedy — her one-woman performance pieces have been part of Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Hong Kong Fringe and New York Arts Festival, Musical Theater — starring in various stage productions in Europe, US and Australia, to sharing the stage with musical greats like Patti Smith, K.D. Lang, Melissa Etheridge, Bob Dylan and Tori Amos and touring with Cyndi Lauper and Chris Isaak.

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