David Grayhawk Gibney
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Composer;Conductor;Producer (Music)
New Age;World
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David Grayhawk Gibney

Grayhawk is a classically-trained New Age composer, keyboardist and conductor, as well as a mystic, scholar of religious studies, musician, visionary, and sonic alchemist. He blends flutes with jaguars and percussion with deep water, using them to support human voices from all corners of the world map. His music portrays darkness and sunrise, crickets and chimes, wolf calls and drums, echoes and bird calls, history and imagination. He weaves this through and through with orchestras, ancient ceremonies, spells, invocations, modern media/news voices, etheric initiations, blessings honoring the Great Mother, pagan choirs, Druid earth rites, and prayers spoken in tongues that are both somehow familiar and in languages new to one’s ear.

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