Beth Williams
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Guitar, Acoustic;Percussion;Piano
Join Date:
July 5, 2021
Beth Williams

Beth Williams is an ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC NOMINEE for BEST NEW FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR, award winning singer songwriter and a fantastic yodeler! Three of her songs have charted in BILLBOARD and CASHBOX magazines, she was nominated“Best Female Performer”, by the INDEPENDENT NEWS, and “Best Independent Female Vocalist” by CASHBOX. Beth’s album IN THIS OLD HOUSE was Voted one of Austin’s Top Albums and she was the Winner of Music Austin’s Best Albums Award. HUMBLE TIME RADIO SHOW nominated Beth for “Outstanding Female Songwriter” and “Outstanding Female Performance.” Austin, Texas Mayor Gus Garcia proclaimed Feb. 14, 2002 “BETH WILLIAMS DAY”, complete with a signed proclamation.
A Nashville Session Singer via the Internet, “Beth is blessed with a beautiful singing voice that has the dynamics to go from a whisper to the full power of cathedral bells.” says Austin Americana. Her creative abilities as a songwriter and guitarist build an eclectic bridge between folk, Americana, country, blues, pop, yodeling, gospel and roots music. Soaring vocals, artful lyrics, engaging smile and the ability to closely connect with her audience make for the powerful combination and extra edge which spells success. With 7 CDs available on her own Willow Creek Record label, Beth has been able to control her own musical destiny and direction.
Born on Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico, the nomadic life of the military led her family to Pakistan, the Philippines, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Okinawa twice, all before she turned seventeen. Beth’s passion for singing and songwriting began as a child. While living on Peshawar AFB in Pakistan, she happened upon a lone GI sitting on the bleachers of a deserted baseball field, singing and playing a guitar. Beth’s destiny was sealed ,and her parents bought her a $10.00 guitar at the PX when they were relocated to Okinawa later that same year. Living with her family on Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa at age 15, Beth won 1st place and $75.00 at the Kubasaki High School Talent Show after performing an original composition. Her family moved to Texas at the beginning of her senior year of high school where she immediately began her musical career singing songs she’d written delighting Texas audiences, touring Central Texas, military bases and overseas.
Wanting to be an independent artist with control and the final voice in her music, Beth started her own record label, WILLOW CREEK RECORDS where there are currently 7 CD’s available. Taking her artistic independence one step further she opened a small Pro Tools recording studio, Hill Country Recording plus Video. “I decided to learn to become proficient in recording myself and to learn to create videos of myself rather than having someone else do it for me.” Her reputation as a excellent vocalist and harmony singer has brought Williams clients from all over the world who send her tracks via the Internet to add backup vocals to their projects or sing lead on their demos.
Hall of Fame producer LLOYD MAINES says “Besides the obvious, great singer and guitar player, Beth Williams bares her soul in her songs and performance. This is a brave and good thing.” The San Antonio Express – News writes “No sappy writer, no overt heartstring tugger, Williams instead is the kind of person who walks on the sunny side, uses common sense, sees the glass as half full & finds the silver lining in dark clouds” while KNBT Radio says “Beth’s songs are not written as much as crafted, her soaring vocals add just the right amount of electricity to each track. When you hear her psychedelic yodel-chants on ODI, you’ll laugh out loud, and you’ll be hooked for good.
As a composer Williams often writes from a spiritual point of view, and always writes with a poetic beauty coming from within, captivating audiences with her voice. When they see and hear her perform, listeners get a true picture of Beth’s incomparable musical craftsmanship, as well as her remarkable capacity as a lyricist. One has only to listen to the words to understand that Beth brings her heart, her soul, and the depths of her personal experiences for all to hear. Her music provides a truly eclectic experience so moving that, while it may not change the heart of the country purist, or the hard rock fanatic, it will give them pause for reflection and surely touch something in everyone who hears it. This work of art transcends all the traditional musical borders
Buzz Marcos of TAYLOR GUITARS says “Beth’s songs are innocent… experienced… beguiling…insightful… Her name and the title of this album should be spoken by every record reviewer in the country.”
“Yes, she is a wonderful singer, beautiful voice ….. But there’s something more. This songwriter does “message music”, she makes the spirit soar..I love it!” says KACQ/KCYL RADIO.

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