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Performer; Songwriter; Vocalist; Writer
Children's; Spoken Word
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Lisa Sniderman, aka Aoede, is a San Francisco-based award-winning, quirky, folk-pop artist, playwright, author, filmmaker who obsessively creates to heal. She creates and records unique, original full-length fantasy musicals on audiobooks that she adapts to musical theater stage plays. She’s been honored with more than 85 awards for songwriting, audiobooks, films, stage plays, spoken word and books since 2012 all while suffering from a rare autoimmune disease for more than 12 years: dermatomyositis, a progressive muscle weakness disease. She fosters healing by “giving your creative spirit wings and inspiring you to share your story.”
Lisa’s memoir, A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS: TRANSCENDING CHRONIC ILLNESS THROUGH THE POWER OF ART AND ATTITUDE, chronicles 10 years living with chronic illness while creating to heal. Through confessions and life lessons, Lisa offers support, compassion, strength, connection, encouragement, motivation, and hope-a light in the darkness-to those battling chronic illness, disability and unexpected life challenges.
Lisa founded an online community of artists creating to heal and collaborated with more than 50 artists who are also creating to heal, culminating in an online video showcase and live multi-media performances in December 2018. In July 2020, she held a free two-week online summit sharing 60 videos she recorded with experts during the past year, to help others living with chronic illness thrive, attended by 1,800 participants, and released her ninth studio album August 2020: THE GRIEVING PROJECT, a powerful spoken word audiobook that sets the stages of grief to music. https://alightinthedarkness.info/the-grieving-project/

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