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Skylar Rogers





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Performer; Songwriter; Vocalist




Join Date:

Sep 22, 2023

Skylar Rogers


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Her voice grips the soul and fills you with the energy and passion that only rockin blues can provide. Highlights of her career so far have been sharing the Big Blues Bender stage with artists Kevin Burt, Paul DesLauriers, Annika Chambers and Terrie Obabi, as well as the recognition received by being nominated for a Josie Award, Blues Blast Award, Independent Blues Award and Under Consideration for a Grammy in 2022. However, her greatest joy comes from live performance, being able to touch the hearts of her audience, whether it's at the National Blues Museum, on a college campus, at a festival, or in a local pub, Skylar’s extraordinary talent shines. Finding your place on the Blues scene requires a rich vein of history to draw on, and like many of her heroes, Skylar has lived through pain and suffering to become the artist she is today. Raised in the church and told she couldn’t sing because she wasn’t the right fit, her life took many unexpected twists and turns before she settled once again into the world that brought her so much joy. Her journey through divorce, a life in the military, the death of a child, truck driving and homelessness, all taught her lessons that can never be forgotten. After a near fatal bout of pneumonia and being diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, she decided to live her life on her own terms, determined not to be bound by others expectations, and this spirit is evident in all the music she creates.
Skylar Rogers

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