Holly Nicole Combs
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Performer; Songwriter; Vocalist
Adult Contemporary; Alternative; Pop; Rock
Guitar, Acoustic
Join Date:
29 Nov 2019
Holly Nicole Combs

Holly Nicole Combs is an eclectic singer/songwriter based out of the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. She is the winner of the 2019 World Songwriting Award for best alternative song, "#Hashtag". She was also recognized by Music Mafia Radio as the 2019 Female Artist of the Year.
With a quirky voice and being heavily influenced by so many genres that include pop, rock, folk, country, show tunes, opera, and classical, Holly is difficult to categorize. In her mind, the music she creates is "Hope Folk," songs filled with honesty and humor, each one having a piece of her heart, mind, and soul.
She moved all over the south in her childhood but settled on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Much of her music has been influenced by the beauty of the landscape, the people she has met, and the experiences she has had living there. Also, being in close proximity to New Orleans, its influence cannot be dismissed.

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