Lonny Bingle
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Aug 11, 2019
Lonny Bingle

Lonny Bingle is an accomplished pastor, author, recording artist, and Entrepreneur. He has been serving the body of Christ in full-time ministry since 1981. In 1984, he married his lovely wife Kimberley and together they have pursued the call of God for their lives. They have successfully founded two churches in the Spokane, Washington area. Lonny and Kim have devoted their lives to overseeing Destiny Vision International Ministries. DVIM is an international fellowship of churches and ministers. With a heart for Pastors and those in leadership positions, their ministry focuses and specializes in leadership training, financial seminars and missions. In addition, Lonny is the founder/CEO of Chrimata, Inc. Chrimata is a digital donation platform for non-profits. It has an international reach helping non-profits increase their financial potential through digital donations. You can find out more information about Chrimata at www.chrimata.org.

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